Mass Times
Public Masses
6.30pm (for Sunday)
8.30am and 10am
Masses at Our Lady & St Hugh are streamed live to the Internet. If you would like to watch, please select the button below.
Please select the button below to see a copy of the latest bulletin which contains details of the week day masses and other services.
Please select the button below to see copies of the previous 4 bulletins.
If you would like to see Fr. Pat (for Confession or any other reason), then please do not hesitate to make an appointment either by phone on 01993 702661 or by email at
Confessions will take place in the Chapel.
This is a service for the housebound, sick, disabled or those without access to the Internet.
The Diocese of Middlesbrough, have developed the Dial-a-Mass service so, for the cost of a local call, you can phone and listen to Mass at any time. The Mass will last under an hour.
The Number to call is 01642 130120
With thanks to the Knights of St Columba who are part funding this initiative.