Make a Donation
Are you able to help?
We want to say a huge thank you to everyone who has continued to donate to the Parish during the pandemic.
Whilst donations continue to come in, we appreciate that many of our parishioners may be struggling financially and we pray they are getting the support they need. Please be assured there is no expectation to give.
How you can donate
Regular giving is the financial bedrock of our parish. It also minimises risk and costs the parish less to manage, so your money goes further. If you have online banking you can set this up online, or you can print the Gift Aid & Standing Order form, by selecting the button below, and post it to your bank hand it in at the parish.
Although regular donations give your parish the best stability, single donations also contribute to the financial health of the parish.
Thank you for your donation.
1. Download the form and print it.
2. Fill in your bank account details and how much you wish to give etc. and sign it.
3. Then either contact Fr Pat for the parish bank account details, add them in, and post the form to your bank OR deliver or post the form to Fr Pat and he will complete the parish section and will then post the form to your bank. Please ensure you get the correct title of your parish account and, if asked confirm the account, is a business account.
4. If you are a tax payer, paying sufficient tax, please consider Gift Aid. In which case please complete the Gift Aid form ensuring that it is dated on or before the date of your first payment.
If you prefer, you can scan the Gift Aid form and email it to the parish at
God bless you, THANK YOU and keep safe.
Internet Banking
IIf you have internet banking, please obtain our parish’s bank details direct from Fr Pat and set up a new standing order online.
Gift Aid is a tax relief set up by the Government to enable charities to claim back 25p for every eligible £1 donation that is made to the charity. Our Parish is part of the Archdiocese of Birmingham, Reg. Charity No: 234216.
We ask that, if you are a UK taxpayer, please complete the Gift Aid part of the Gift Aid & Standing Order form, by selecting the button below, and return it to the parish, as this enables us to recover significant sums of the tax you pay at no cost to yourself.
If you use the Contactless Devices in the Church and are a UK tax payer, please have a look at the following document to see how you can easily register your payment card for Gift Aid.